Shea Butter
Shea butter works like an emollient. It might help soften or smooth your dry skin. Shea butter also contains substances that can reduce skin swelling. Shea Butter might also help treat conditions associated with skin swelling such as eczema.
Neem Oil
Neem Oil is able to balance your skin’s oil production, heal wounds, stimulate collagen formation, reduce post-acne scars and minimize skin inflammation. Neem Oil also works as a natural alternative to heal your skin tissue from within and simultaneously reduces hyperpigmentation and scars.
Aloe Vera
Soothing Sunburns and Skin Injuries are just some of the benefits of Aloe Vera for skin. “Aloe Vera soothes sunburns and skin injuries by increasing collagen synthesis and cross-linking. Other benefits include Moisturizing Skin. Fading Dark Spots and Stretch Marks. Managing Acne. Soothing Skin Conditions. Slowing Signs of Aging.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract/Oil is helpful in removing the dead skin cells. Thus, applying grapefruit seed oil on the skin will exfoliate your skin in the most gentle and natural way. GRAPEFRUIT SEED OIL helps damaged skin like ACNE, PSORIASIS, ECZEMA, STRETCH MARKS, SCARS AND CELLULITE. GRAPEFRUIT SEED OIL is a powerful natural antiseptic.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba Oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help to tame chaffing and chapping, reduce redness caused by drying, ease the effects of eczema and rosacea, and keep your skin calm and comfortable. The Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins in the Jojoba Oil help in skin repair and damage control.
Cocoa Butter
Keep Your Skin Moisturized.
Cocoa butter contains a high number of fatty acids, which make it well-suited as a primary ingredient in skin cream. Fatty acids help to hydrate the skin. The fat in cocoa butter creates a protective barrier that holds in moisture and prevents your skin from drying.